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Over the last two decades Sinai has been able to invest in its young people, Rabbinate and building because of the very generous legacies left by a number of members. In leaving a gift to Sinai in their will, their memory has lived on in the work of the community.

It is more important than ever that we make sure that our wishes are respected after we die. Writing a will makes sure that family and loved ones are properly remembered, and that the causes, like Sinai, and your other favourite charities, can also receive a final and lasting mark of your commitment to them.

If you are interested in making a will the best place to start is with a legal adviser. There are also other avenues available but you should make sure that the adviser or service you use is properly regulated. Advice on this can be sought from organisations like Citizens Advice. If you would like to speak to someone at Sinai, without any expectations or pressure, please contact us here.


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