Sinai Synagogue home page
  • Sinai Synagogue is committed to promoting the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults and protecting them from harm.
  • We are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment where people can feel happy, safe and grow.
  • We acknowledge that abuse can happen in all communities and that Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
  • Sinai synagogue works in line with statutory requirements and follows best practice regarding Safeguarding.
  • Sinai synagogue has a statutory duty to report Safeguarding concerns to relevant authorities.

If you are concerned someone connected to Sinai is being abused, or at risk of abuse, by someone in their family, home or community, you can report this to the designated safeguard lead for children or  the designated safeguard lead for adults by emailing or from the direct links below.

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You can also report this to the Local Authority Child/Adult Social Services Department

0113 378 6018 Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership

0113 222 4401 Adult social care

In case of immediate danger you must call 999.

Adult Safeguarding

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Child Safeguarding

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