As Shabbat comes in and we are very nearly at Rosh Hashana, I know there are numerous and various messages regarding High Holy Days and the other festivals and events that come thick and fast at this time of the year, but I just wanted to give a brief update on the key issues of heating, Rabbinic recruitment, and the building.
Heating – We have explored various ways forward, and eventually opted to install infrared heaters. Many thanks to Becky Tieger for raising this possibility. It is far cheaper than installing a new boiler or two smaller boilers, and the heaters themselves can be removed and re-used when and if there is a new building. Unfortunately we were let down by the first person we approached to install the heaters, but the work has now started and we hope it will be completed in the near future.
Rabbinic Recruitment - The recruitment working group has continued to discuss the best ways forward. After the High Holy Days we will put together a schedule, including how and when we can restart the process. As I have mentioned previously, there is a severe imbalance worldwide, with the demand for Progressive Rabbis far exceeding supply. We have, however, put in place a schedule based on input from Rabbis Warren Elf and Robert Ash. Rabbi Elf will be assisting Gwynneth Lewis with conversion, Rabbi Ash will be taking services roughly once a month, and supporting BNei Mitzvot. He will also be officiating at Erev Sukkot and Erev Simchat Torah services. Student Rabbi Eleanor Davis will also be visiting as and when she can, starting in November. A schedule of these and other arrangements for Friday and Shabbat services is available on the Sinai website.
The Building – The building working group have been considering ways in which the current site can be repurposed and redeveloped. A number of options are under consideration, and although progress has been slow, we do have a better idea of the various options. In the coming months I hope to be able to offer a more detailed update on this matter.
Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova to you all.
Anthony Bryant