In our 65th year, Leo Baeck College would like to reach out to as many of our stakeholders in the Progressive Jewish communities as possible.
To celebrate this wonderful milestone, we are asking for your help to share two exciting events, the details of which, you will find below this note. We hope to rekindle awareness of how your rabbis are trained, who trains them and how your share of fees to your Movement is used in the process.
Our two events, the Open House on Sunday April 24th and the Cocktails and Canapés evening on Monday May 16th will be a wonderful opportunity to meet with College staff, faculty, students and members of the Board of Governors.
Please share this communication as widely as possible with members of your community and encourage them to attend individually or as a group to experience the spirit of Leo Baeck College.
If anybody would like to know more about our mission and vision of Leo Baeck College, they can read more here: or feel free to contact me at
Thank you in anticipation of your support.
Kind regards,
Dr Stephen Herman
Chair of the Board of Governors