Approaching Purim this year may feel bittersweet for many of us. Last year’s Purim celebrations may have been the last time we gathered with our community in person, or for others it may have been the first event to be cancelled due to fears of spreading coronavirus.
The Purim story is about people who have agency in difficult circumstances. Vashti chooses not to fulfil King Ahaseurus’ humiliating request to perform for his guests, despite the severe consequences she will face for it. Mordechai and Queen Esther similarly make bold decisions to save the Jewish people, even when all seems helpless.
In the same vein, we too have agency in how we have dealt with Coronavirus restrictions. We remain immensely proud of our communities for their strength and creativity in creating Covid-secure opportunities for our members, reflected in the dazzling array of virtual Purim spiels and events. Instead of despairing, our clergy, staff and volunteers across all Reform communities have worked harder than ever to ensure the continuation of our communities this year.
Purim is a day for finding joy in the face of hardship. We hope all of our members will be able to find time for at least some silliness, as a much needed release from the stresses and anxiety this year has brought us. Chag Purim Sameach from Reform Judaism!