Connexions is otherwise known as Sinai’s welfare team responsible for care and well-being across the community. We do lots of things to support members, including:
- a monthly lunch, previously held at Sinai but recently transferred to the MAZCC (Leeds’ Jewish Community Centre). The lunches are open to all members and friends.
- our annual garden party, hosted by members with beautiful gardens. Participants enjoy a delicious afternoon tea and the pleasure of (weather permitting!) sitting in those beautiful gardens.
- pre-Pesach and High Holydays phone calls to all members.
- a first night community seder at Sinai. We always start planning for the next Seder night as soon as the previous one ends! We also do our best to arrange accommodation for Seder night and over Yom Kippur for some members who have a long distance to travel and who benefit from taking advantage of the offer.
- marking ‘significant’ birthdays and life cycle events by sending appropriate cards.
Together with both of our Rabbis, we perform some of the basic mitzvot that Jewish life requires: we visit the sick in hospital and at home (bikkur cholim); we attend funerals (levayot); and we console those who mourn by attending shiva services and making shiva visits. We also phone members, and give lifts to services and events when we are able to do so.
Of course, all these activities depend totally on volunteers. Can you help us? Would you like to join the team? Anything from a few minutes to several hours’ availability would be very helpful.
Please do contact us by emailing