Latest News
Emergency Community Fund
The Jewish Leadership Council in partnership with Work Avenue, has established a fund, with almost £300,000 and a commitment of additional funds if needed, to support those across the community whose earnings have been directly affected by COVID-19. The fund specifically assists those who are ineligible for Government support or who face delays accessing Government funds.
Limmud Together UK is launched!
We are delighted to launch Limmud Together UK - the Limmud you know and love but from the comforts of your own home! It’ll be virtually the same experience as a day Limmud, with outstanding presenters, discussions and learning.
High Holy Day Appeal 2019/5780
If you missed Sally’s passionate appeal on Kol Nidre, here is the video and text:
Nisa Nashim Visit My Synagogue
Nisa Nashim Leeds invites Jewish and Muslim women to Sinai at Simcha Torah.
Night Shelter for destitute asylum seekers
Every year for one week, Sinai hosts a night shelter for destitute asylum seekers. This year our week is in December.
Leeds Jewish Representative Council
- By Lisa Baker
I would in a usual year use this opportunity to tell you about our recent successes but that isn’t appropriate in the circumstances we find ourselves but I want to tell you how we are working for you at this time of unprecedented crisis as I realise our work isn’t always visible.
Emergency Covid-19 Pesach appeal
- By David J Israel
In these unusual times trustees have taken the decision to share the opportunity with our members to be part of the emergency appeals for two key organisations in our community: Donisthorpe Hall and Leeds Jewish Welfare Board.
Pesach Pop Up Shop - UPDATE
- By Pesach Pop-up Shop
As we approach the last few days before Pesach, Simon and I, together with our amazing team of volunteers, are preparing for a very busy time.
In order to ensure we get all of the orders out as soon as possible, we will be introducing the following process from Sunday morning
- By Pesach Pop-up Shop
There is no doubt the support this year has been unbelievable. As we write this, we have received in excess of 500 orders – more than in either of the previous two years. We also have other community groups who are still to confirm their requests.
From the Chair and Rabbi
- By David J Israel Rabbi Paul M Strasko
Important message regarding tahara, funerals and shiva
In the challenging times we find ourselves it is reassuring to know that Judaism has an immense body of wisdom and guidance that can help us. As we have said many times over the recent fortnight, Judaism's highest commandment is pikuach nefesh: saving a soul.